Yue Dai


EECS Department
University of California, Berkeley
Berkeley, CA

[Google Scholar]

My name is Yue Dai, and I'm currently a PhD candidate at UC Berkeley. I'm studying and working at Berkeley Wireless Research Center, and advised by Prof. Borivoje Nikolic. My research focuses on integrated signal processing of massive MIMO systems, including physical layer algorithms, VLSI implementation, and system prototyping. I'm also interested in ML involoved solutions for massive MIMO communication systems, especially for channel estimation and frontend impairment cancellation. I also have background in computer architectures, and have interests in digital signal processing acceleration. I got my MS degree in Electrical Engineering from UC Berkeley in 2021, and my BS degrees from both UM Ann Arbor and Shanghai Jiaotong University in Electrical Engineering and Electrical and Computer Engineering, respectively.

Highlighted Research

A Scalable Generator for the Distributed Massive MIMO Systems

This work presents an algorithm-adaptable, scalable, and platform-portable generator for massive MIMO baseband processing systems, which is written in Chisel, and can be reused for different MIMO systems and hardware designs by changing the parameters. The generator is paired with a Python-based system simulator, which incorporated together can emulate a system testing various baseband signal processing algorithms on FPGA. To demonstrate the algorithmic adaptability, multiple channel estimation methods are evaluated across a range of channel models. The performance of the generator, necessity of the algorithmic adaptability, and ease of hardware generation are evaluated and discussed.

Education Background

University of California, Berkeley

PhD candidate in Electrical Engineering 08.2018~present

University of California, Berkeley

Master of Science in Electrical Engineering 08.2018~05.2021

University of Michigan, Ann Arbor

Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering 08.2016~05.2018

Shanghai Jiaotong University, China

Bachelor of Science in Electrical and Computer Engineering 09.2014~08.2018


  1. Yue Dai, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Harrison Liew, Alexandra Gallyas-Sanhueza, James Dunn, Upamanyu Madhow, Christoph Studer and Borivoje Nikolić, “An Adaptable and Scalable Generator of Distributed Massive MIMO Baseband Processing Systems”, Journal of Signal Processing Systems, 2022. (invited) [link]
  2. Yue Dai, Harrison Liew, Maryam Eslami Rasekh, Seyed Hadi Mirfarshbafan, Alexandra Gallyas-Sanhueza, James Dunn, Upamanyu Madhow, Christoph Studer and Borivoje Nikolić, “A Scalable Generator for Massive MIMO Baseband Processing Systems with Beamspace Channel Estimation”, 2021 IEEE SiPS, 2021. [link]
  3. Yue Dai, Greg LaCaille, Harrison Liew, Jame Dunn and Borivoje Nikolić, "A Scalable Massive MIMO Uplink Baseband Processing Generator”, 2021 IEEE ICC, 2021. [link]
  4. Yue Dai, Wenhao Peng, Yu Wang, Li-Xuan Chuo, Karan Suri, Hao Zheng, David Wentzloff, Hun-Seok Kim "Implementation and Evaluation of Bi-Directional WiFi Back-channel Communication”, 2018 IEEE PIMRC, 2018. [link]

Review Experience


IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications


2021 International Workshop on Signal Processing Systems

Journal of Signal Processing Systems

Teaching Experience

CS 152 Computer Architecture and Engineering

Graduate Student Instructor Spring 2020

CS 267 Parallel Computing

Graduate Student Instructor Spring 2023

Working Experience

Apple, Inc.

Wireless Architecture Research Intern 05.2022~08.2022

Plain Academic